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enerG - Alternative Sources Magazine

Q3 2024
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Q1 2024
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Q3 2023
Q2 2023
Q1 2023
Q4 2022








































Q3 2024


Betting on renewables with solar canopy project
By Paul MacDonald

The Big Island says Aloha to more solar power
By Robin Brunet

Wisconsin's Beaver Dam Solar Project a win all the way around
By Diane Mettler

U.S. offshore wind gets a push behind it with federal, state support
By Tony Kryzanowski

Freedom from fossil fuels, with solar
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Tidal energy is coming to Alaska-but how much?
By A new study shows tidal energy from Alaska's Cook Inlet could power about 70,000 homes-or more with grid upgrades.

Guest Column: Choosing the right wire for your photovoltaic system
By Tim Clancy

Guest Column: South Pole solar power?
By Nick Oakes

For The Record: Clean energy is what's next-and now
By Jennifer Granholm, U.S. Secretary of Energy

enerG Feature Focus: North American Solar Power Score Card

On The Grid

Q2 2024


Sweet addition to Indiana wind power capacity
By Paul MacDonald

Bellflower project delivers solar power-and sheep and honey-in Indiana
By Tony Kryzanowski

An exciting ride for solar power in California
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: The solar-powered soundtrack: lighting up the music scene with renewable energy
By Robert Goldsmith, EG4 Electronics

Guest Column: Louisiana businesses bet big on offshore wind power
By Zach Bartscherer and Courtney Durham Shane, Pew Charitable Trusts

enerG Feature Focus: Wind Power - Fast Facts

On The Grid

Q1 2024


Iowa agrivoltaics—growing broccoli, beekeeping and solar panels
By Tony Kryzanowski

West Virginia making the move to solar power
By Robin Brunet

A super solar project in New Jersey
By Paul MacDonald

Bringing new life to an existing wind project
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: State of the California solar industry
By Greg Wiener, CEO, QuickBOLT

Guest Column: Time to look at installing solar power alongside California's highways
By Steven King

For The Record: Reframing the Climate Challenge
By Darren Woods, ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO

For The Record: Investing in America, and Building a Clean Energy Future
By President Joe Biden

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q4 2023


Solar power—and battery storage—take off at Edwards Air Force Base
By Robin Brunet

A new frontier for solar power: Alaska
By Paul MacDonald

Higher Ed solar power in Pennsylvania
By Diane Mettler

Producing power in Texas at lower wind speeds
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Reviewing cable life, and cable life expectations
By Michael Joseph, American Wire Group

Guest Column: The highest ROI maintenance techniques to maximize the reliability of your utility-scale renewable investment
By Don A. Genutis, HALCO, a RESA Power company

Guest Column: The imperative for recycling in the lithium-ion battery industry
By Todd Bluechel

Guest Column: The future of power: fueling efficiency and sustainability with proven technology
By James Fraser, Emerson

For The Record: The clock on Climate Change is not ticking—it's banging
By Vice-President Kamala Harris

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q3 2023


Stanley Black & Decker tools up for sustainability
By Diane Mettler

Vineyard Wind offshore project powers ahead
By Paul MacDonald

Campus solar power
By Robin Brunet

More solar megawatts for Maine
By Tony Kryzanowski

Full steam ahead for South Fork offshore wind project
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Virtual Power Plants: The future of renewable energy
By Robert Senior

Guest Column: Taking back control - with home energy management
By Vincent Ambrose

Guest Column: Golden State glory - harvesting sunshine
By Kirsten Freeman

Guest Column: Goldman Sachs: The U.S. is poised for a (renewable) energy revolution
By Goldman Sachs

enerG Feature Focus: enerG Feature Focus: North American Solar Power Score Card

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q2 2023


Michigan adds megawatts to its wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Second life for EV batteries
By Robin Brunet

Engine maker Cummins powering more solar
By Diane Mettler

Huge wind win for Oklahoma
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Permitting reform is needed to unlock the full potential of new clean energy investments
By J.C. Sandberg, American Clean Power Association

Guest Column: U.S. community solar growth slowed in 2022, but it's picking up momentum
By Wood Mackenzie

enerG Feature Focus: enerG Feature Focus: North American Wind Power Fast Facts

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q1 2023


Rocky Mountain solar power
By Diane Mettler

Medline adds to solar with Massachusetts project
By Tony Kryzanowski

Floating solar power at the Fort
By Paul MacDonald

Avangrid adds to its Oregon wind power line-up
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: The top three issues facing residential solar installers
By Steve Buchmiller

Guest Column: Solar in Pro Sports: Major league sports venues across America tap into renewable energy

enerG Feature Focus: On the Grid

Q4 2022


Clearing the path for community solar
By Diane Mettler

Solar power/training combo
By Tony Kryzanowski

Charting U.S. offshore wind
By Robin Brunet

Appalachian solar power benefits recovery center
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: New asset performance management tools to focus on wind power performance improvement
By Edward Wagner

Guest Column: Making time for a standardized approach to electrical preventive maintenance programs for renewable projects
By Ben Clark

Guest Column: Navigating the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)—including residential solar power provisions
By the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)

For The Record: Time to tackle the Climate Crisis—with renewables
By President Joe Biden

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q3 2022


Tracking towards solar power
By Paul MacDonald

O&M key to keeping solar power productive
By Diane Mettler

Leeward leans into repowering wind project
By Robin Brunet

Harvesting solar power—and blueberries
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Knowledge brings your renewable energy project to life
By Maria Dlagnekova

Guest Column: Stone coated steel roofs — the hidden Gold Rush for solar installations
By Mike Wiener

For The Record: Regionalism could be an emerging issue in developing offshore U.S. wind power
By David Bidwell, Jeremy Firestone and Michael Ferguson

enerG Feature Focus: North American Solar Power Score Card

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q2 2022


Setting a high bar for wind projects
By Diane Mettler

Appalachian amps up solar power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Mega wind for New Mexico
By Paul MacDonald

Aspen plugs into more solar power
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: Tackling the climate crisis—and building a clean energy economy
By Gina McCarthy

For The Record: New York's New era includes wind power—lots of wind power
By Kathy Hochul, Governor of New York State

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

North American Wind Power Fast Facts

Q1 2022


Full on with Florida fixed-tilt solar
By Tony Kryzanowski

Going big with Cali solar project
By Diane Mettler

More wind power for wind-rich Colorado
By Paul MacDonald

Safari Energy successful in hunt for solar power in Pennsylvania
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: Installing solar power on landfills can revitalize communities—and promote environmental justice
By Laurie Stone and Matthew Popkin

For The Record: Harvard taking action on Climate Change: supporting the transition to a green economy
By Lawrence Bacow

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q4 2021


America's largest solar power project well underway
By Robin Brunet

Aviator Wind project takes flight
By Paul MacDonald

Team approach to steep solar project
By Diane Mettler

Pilot program to explore potential for clean hydrogen production
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Requirements for your battery energy storage system
By Brendan D. Miller, P.E.

Guest Column: One Year Later - Product Development Going Strong
By Mikey Wiener, Marketing Manager, QuickBOLT

Guest Column: Ready for renewable energy industry
By Earl Bailey, Snap-on Industrial

Guest Column: Logistical challenges will arise as the renewable energy industry continues to grow
By Mihir Patel, Partner and Vice-President of Logisticus Group

For The Record: Virginia is for offshore wind lovers
By Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam

enerG Feature Focus: On The Grid

Q3 2021


Wine Country project provides a taste of floating solar power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Combining solar power-and beekeeping
By Dianne Mettler

Going from gas to wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Midwest solar power in Michigan
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities: cultivating a better future for wind power
By Marta Jimeno

Guest Column: Solar industry can learn health and safety lessons from oil and gas, and wind energy industries
By Duncan Higham

Guest Column: End-of-life solutions for solar panels The challenges and solutions for creating a circular economy.
By Janette Freeman, FabTech Solar Solutions

For The Record: Tackling the crisis and seizing the opportunity: America's global climate leadership
By Antony Blinken

enerG Feature Focus: North American Solar Power Score Card

Q2 2021


Turning point for community solar in Rhode Island
By Robin Brunet

Solar-powered shopping
By Diane Mettler

Wind project takes on wildfires, COVID
By Paul MacDonald

Solar project stands up to the Canadian cold
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Green Hydrogen: A game changer in the renewable energy sector
By David Wolff, Regional Manager, Nel Hydrogen

Guest Column: Charging guidelines for renewable energy
By Daniel R. Seidel and Bruce Habeck

Guest Column: Diversity and inclusion hiring enhances an organization-and its performance
By Victoria Waye

For The Record: The largest coal producing state, Wyoming, sets carbon negative goal
By Governor Mark Gordon

For The Record: New Energy Secretary Granholm: Ready to rev up the engines for green power

enerG Feature Focus: Wind Power Fast Facts.

Q1 2021


"Pawesome" solar project in Illinois
By Tony Kryzanowski

The Solar Revolution at Boulder's Jewish Community Center
By Diane Mettler

University of Arizona opts for wind-and solar power
By Paul MacDonald

Clénera builds solar power-in wind-rich Iowa
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: The competitive advantage of outsourcing operations and asset management
By BayWa r.e. Wind, LLC

Guest Column: Maintaining the capacity and cycle life of your deep cycle battery bank
By Jeff Myles

Guest Column: The pace of the U.S. energy transition could now accelerate with President Biden
By Clyde E. Rankin III, Andrew Ketner and Gina Sato

For The Record: Wind power is a cash crop in Iowa
By Mike Fehr

Fall 2020


Nevada solar project faced rocky conditions
By Tony Kryzanowski

Oregon Y taps into solar power
By Diane Mettler

Bringing Amadeus Wind to West Texas
By Paul MacDonald

Bartlett's Farm grows its solar farm
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: Solar power industry set to meet ambitious goals, and power the U.S. to a cleaner energy future
By Nagendra Cherukupalli, FTC Sola

Guest Column: Why the right retail energy provider is important for meeting long-term sustainability goals
By Jeff Colvin

Guest Column: Race to hit U.S. wind PTC deadline amid pandemic could increase risk of accidents and quality issues
By Daniel Stevens

For The Record: The target: 100 gigawatts of U.S. renewables manufacturing capacity by 2030
By John Smirnow

Summer 2020


Penn State powers up-with solar
By Robin Brunet

Public school solar power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Shopping under solar power
By Diane Mettler

Texas is a leader in wind power by a country mile
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Expect more from your inverter supplier
By Ed Heacox

Guest Column: Getting the most out of wind turbines with the right lubricant

Guest Column: COVID-19 is helping solve one of renewable energy's biggest problems
By Chris Kimmett

For The Record: The next Texas energy boom is in offshore wind power-not oil
By Laura Morton

enerG Feature Focus: enerG Feature Focus: North American Solar Power Score Card

Spring 2020


Illinois wind farm delivers clean power-and cash crop
By Robin Brunet

Getting the right fit with Illinois solar project
By Diane Mettler

Tracking down costs on Oregon solar project
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: The Department of Defense Clearinghouse process protects military readiness, strengthens local economies
By Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.)

Guest Column: Wind power is helping Texas keep the lights on-and offers enormous opportunities for economic development
By Jeff Moseley, Texas Association of Business

Guest Column: Solar Equipment Brokering - A New Business Opportunity
By Melissa Ann Schmid

For The Record: Houses of Worship significantly expanding their solar commitment
By Gerald W. Bernstein, Interfaith Power & Light

enerG Feature Focus: North American Wind Power Fast Facts

Winter 2020


Solar power project a double win...
By Paul MacDonald

Lodestar ramps up community energy in New York Stat
By Tony Kryzanowski

Good wind power neighbors
By Diane Mettler

New Hampshire school goes to the top-in solar power
By Robin Brunet

Guest Column: U.S. solar jobs are key to industry growth
By Eric Goodwin

Guest Column: Tackling interconnection challenges and constraints for U.S. offshore wind power
By Cathy Livingston and Salman Gill

Guest Column: Virginians, including Republicans, should support wind energy
By Brian Kirwin

For The Record: Opportunity blowing in the wind, in New Mexico
By Rikki Seguin

Fall 2019


High-precision solar tracking
By Tony Kryzanowski

DTE Energy adds Pine River wind to power portfolio
By Diane Mettler

Wind repowering in Illinois
By Paul MacDonald

Solar power delivers for dealership
By Tony Kryzanowski

Selling solar power-in blocks
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Rural America is ready for some sort of a New Deal, preferably green
By Art Cullen

For The Record: Building the 21st century offshore wind workforce America needs
By Christopher G. Hart

enerG Feature Focus: North American Solar Power Score Card

Summer 2019


Iowa university gets high marks for solar/storage system
By Diane Mettler

Making history in Iowa-with wind power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Converting brownfield to solar brightfield
By Paul MacDonald

Setting the bar high-in solar power
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Small bearing changes can save wind power operators big money
By Caleb Chovan, Senior Wind Bearing Application Engineer, The Timken Company

Guest Column: Exploring Iowa's wind energy industry
By Debi Durham, Director, Iowa Economic Development Authority

Guest Column: Best Practices for Solar Mounting on Standing Seam Metal Roofs
By Rob Haddock

For The Record: Wyoming's future depends on moving away from coal-and toward renewables
By Connie Wilbert

enerG Feature Focus: Solar Mounting & Tracking Systems

Spring 2019


More wind power for Big Sky Country
By By Diane Mettler

Going big on bifacial solar
By By Tony Kryzanowski

Providing green power-and a neat and tidy solar project site
By By Tony Kryzanowski

New wind power for New York
By By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Keep our graduates here: build a robust offshore wind power industry in New England

For The Record: Shaping a collective future with clean energy-and treehouses
By By Allison Archambault

enerG Feature Focus: North American Wind Power Fast Facts

Winter 2019


New Mexico starting to deliver on wind power potential
By Paul MacDonald

U.S. military solar power jumps up-significantly
By Paul MacDonald

Amping up microgrid R&D in Minnesota
By Tony Kryzanowski

Community solar and storage-in Massachusetts
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Renewing the utility workforce for renewable energy realities
By James McClelland

Guest Column: Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategy to advance business goals
By Melissa Ann Schmid

For The Record: The Native view: Solar, wind power mean jobs for Americans
By Winona LaDuke

enerG Feature Focus: Inverters

September/October 2018


Building turbines in tornado alley
By Tony Kryzanowski

Tough winter solar install in Minnesota
By Tony Kryzanowski

Breakthrough solar project
By Paul MacDonald

Solar-powered car dealership
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Did the Hippies start the solar PV industry?
By Jeff Spies

Guest Column: The value of solar certifications
By Dan Pickel

For The Record: Clean energy makes for good rural politics
By Roger Johnson

North American Solar Power Score Card

May/June 2018


Wind powering up . . . again
By Diane Mettler

Creating a microgrid showpiece
By Tony Kryzanowski

Solar Power Showcase
By Paul MacDonald

From cornfield to solar array
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: How Solar Power Agreements (SPA) help nonprofits
By Todd Bluechel

For The Record: Transmission planners need to account for corporate America's growing demand for renewable energy
By John Kostyack and David Gardiner

March/April 2018


Solar power project weathers the storm
By Tony Kryzanowski

Wind Force Plan brings new level of landowner involvement
By Diane Mettler

Going from coal power to solar power-and storage
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Required training and equipment for working at heights on wind projects
By Scott R. Connor

For The Record: How to raise trillions for green investments
By Henry M. Paulson Jr.

North America Wind Power Fast facts

January/February 2018


More wind power in America's heartland
By Vicky Boyd

Solar project a thing of beauty for L'Oreal
By Paul MacDonald

From Mine to megawatts...
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: The U.S. military is leading the march toward energy independence
By Jon Powers

enerG Feature Focus: Solar Mounting & Tracking Systems.

November/December 2017


More wind power for Warren Buffett's BHE Renewables
By Tony Kryzanowski

Going from waste . . . to solar power watts
By Paul MacDonald

Integrating microgrids-with renewables
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Solar power companies can now take site location to a new level-with aerial imagery
By Tony Agresta

For The Record: Out-of-state folks are out of touch on Iowa wind energy
By Jon Kallen

September/October 2017


Native wind Power
By Vicky Boyd

A WiSE renewables choice
By Tony Kryzanowski

Elevating solar power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Renewables hybrid for Fort Hood
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Modern power plant control offers auxiliary services beyond the grid
By Dr. Stijn Stevens, CTO at skytron energy GmbH

For The Record: Coal-rich Wyoming's tremendous wind power possibilities
By Nathan Wendt

enerG Feature Focus: North Amercian Solar Power Scorecard

July/August 2017


Presidential solar power
By Paul MacDonald

Building on battery storage with solar and wind power
By Vicky Boyd

Getting vets involved in LA solar power
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: New York's "50 By 30" renewable energy: A model for the rest of America
By Ed Krapels

May/June 2017


Project successfully takes on headwinds
By Tony Kryzanowski

Michigan makes its mark-in solar power
By Diane Mettler

Solar power team
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: How nonprofits can save on solar installations
By Todd Bluechel

Guest Column: Premature failures of padmount transformers in wind farms: a cause and cure analysis
By Balram Ramamurthy

enerG Feature Focus: PV Solar Panels

March/April 2017


Universities go solar-with solar gardens
By Diane Mettler

EDF partners up in Texas
By Tony Kryzanowski

Military marches toward renewable energy
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: Time for Massachusetts to get behind offshore wind power
By Paul Vigeant

enerG Feature Focus: North Amercian Wind Power Fast Facts

January/February 2017


America's First offshore wind project
By Vicky Boyd

Planning for future solar power-now
By Tony Kryzanowski

Betting on solar power in Vegas
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: Wind energy plays a part in making America great
By Kelley Welf

enerG Feature Focus: Inverter

November/December 2016


Simple Solar project is funded ... simply
By Diane Mettler

Tackling Nevada's tough soil on a tight timeline
By Tony Kryzanowski

Working with the weather on solar power
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: Whether you're a Tea Partier or environmentalist, renewable energy provides choices
By U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell

September/October 2016


Icing the wind power cake in Quebec
By Paul MacDonald

Dual-purpose solar
By Diane Mettler

Utility-scale solar for Utah
By Tony Kryzanowski

Pueblo solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Guest Column: Quality over quantity: solar PV monitoring data
By Gwendalyn Bender

Guest Column: A Baker's Analogy: Why Top-Treating Wind Turbine Oils with Additives Won't Deliver Optimal Performance
By Gary Hennigan, ExxonMobil

For The Record: Seizing the clean energy revolution: shooting for 50 percent clean energy by 2030
By Scott Peters

enerG Feature Focus: Solar and Wind O&M

North American Solar Power Score card

July/August 2016


New Jersey Builds Wind Power-in Kansas
By Vicky Boyd

North Carolina Solar Power Trio
By Tony Kryzanowski

Texas Solar Power Shines Strong
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: Hawaii sets its sights on increased renewable energy
By Mark Glick

enerG Feature Focus: Solar Mounting tracking Systems

May/June 2016


Lockheed Martin goes solar
By Tony Kryzanowski

More Wind Power for North Dakota
By Vicky Boyd

Aloha to Solar Power
By Paul MacDonald

Citizens for SOLAR power
By Diane Mettler

enerG Feature Focus: Batteries and Energy Storage

March/April 2016


Major Solar Megawatts for Missouri
By Vicky Boyd

Head Office Solar in Ohio
By Tony Kryzanowski

Southern Goes West for wind power
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Time to take clean energy to the bank in Virginia, Connecticut, New York, and ...
By Sarah Dougherty

enerG Feature Focus: Turbines And Components

North America Wind Power Fast facts

January/February 2016


Walmart Spurs Texas Wind Power Project
By Tony Kryzanowski

Saluting Solar Power
By Paul MacDonald

The South's Solar Leader: North Carolina
By By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: A healthy economy and a healthy environment-including clean energy-go hand in hand
By Gina McCarthy

enerG Feature Focus: Solar Components

November/December 2015


Solarwind power combo for Arizona
By Paul MacDonald

Parking under solar power
By Diane Mettler

New Jersey continues to go with green energy
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Don't pull the rug-and plug-out from renewable energy
By Sen. Chuck Grassley

enerG Feature Focus: PV Solar Panels

September/October 2015


More Wind Power for Minnesota Power
By Diane Mettler

Adding storage to wind and solar power
By Paul MacDonald

Powerful prairie wind power in Canada
By Tony Kryzanowski

Ford's focus on solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Ivy League college graduates to solar power
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: The future of renewables is bright with energy storage
By Robert Morgan

For The Record: At the tipping point on climate change
By Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse

enerG Feature Focus: Insuring Your Renewable

North American Solar Power Score Card

July/August 2015


From abandoned farmland to solar farm
By Diane Mettler

Familiar ground for building wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Megawatts for Maryland
By Vicky Boyd

Good solar bet in Nevada
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: How to insure solar or wind installations
By Scott Foyer, National Practice Leader, Travelers Inland Marine

For The Record: Time for Republicans to show national leadership on clean energy
By Michele Combs

enerG Feature Focus: 10 Years of Solar Power

Energy Storage Fast Facts

May/June 2015


Solar Parking
By Diane Mettle

Thumbs up for just-in-time wind power
By Paul MacDonald

A true solar farm
By Vicky Boyd

Super solar project
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Aluminum: forging the framework for solar power
By Jason Weber

For The Record: Renewable energy: the greatest business opportunity in history
By Jim Heckman, Robert Little, and James E. Jones

enerG Feature Focus: enerG Feature Focus: Solar Meters and Monitoring

March/April 2015


Small wind sites—big opportunities
By Diane Mettler

Tight time frame for Wisconsin solar project
By Diane Mettler

Beefing up Alberta WIND POWER with Blackspring Ridge
By Paul MacDonald

Building BIG solar safetly
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Business demands stable renewable energy policy from state and federal governments
By Kevin Borgia

For The Record: The wind power Production Tax Credit isn't about politics—it's about people
By Mary Anne Hitt

enerG Feature Focus: North American Wind Power Fast Facts

enerG Feature Focus: Wind and Solar Operations & Maintenance

January/February 2015


More pattern wind power in the panhandle
By Tony Kryzanowski

Solid solar incentives
By Paul MacDonald

Community solar power a hit in Florida
By Tony Kryzanowski

Forever Solar
By Vicky Boyd

enerG Feature Focus: Inverters

November/December 2014


Exploring solar at the Exploratorium
By Paul MacDonald

Solar on scenic Cape Cod
By Paul MacDonald

Far north wind power
By Diane Mettler

Solar simmering in Ontario
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Iowa leading the way in U.S. wind energy
By Debi Dunham

For The Record: Climate Action Plan: A step toward building a world-leading clean energy economy
By Gina McCarthy

September/October 2014


Big solar in the big Apple
By Vicky Boyd

Solar trio on Arizona project
By Paul MacDonald

Island wind power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Peachy solar project
By Paul MacDonald

Transporting wind power-from Oklahoma to Alabama
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Wind energy blowing strong in Canada
By Larry Turner

Guest Column: Determining risk with Energy Storage
By Chris Cioni

For The Record: Wind turbines are things of beauty
By David Suzuki

enerG Feature Focus: Solar Power Score Card

July/August 2014


Sandwich Solar
By Tony Kryzanowski

Wind power and the web
By Diane Mettler

Connecting to renewables... in Connecticut
By Vicky Boyd

All in on renewable power
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Solar roofing best practices
By Solar roofing best practices

enerG Feature Focus: Batteries

May/June 2014


Blistering building schedule for California solar project
By Tony Kryzanowski

Detail-driven solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Wind power planning payoff
By Paul MacDonald

Solar takes flight
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Renewable energy is good for the planet-and good for business
By President Barack Obama

enerG Feature Focus: PV Cables, Connectors, Combiner Boxes

March/April 2014


Maui says, "Aloha!" to Auwahi Wind
By Paul MacDonald

School's in for SOLAR POWER in New Mexico
By Diane Mettler

Sweet symphony of wind power
By Tony Kryzanowski

San Antonio's super-sized solar
By Vicky Boyd

West coast wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Site selection key to success of any renewable energy project
By Scott Jezwinski

Guest Column 2: Keeping the wind power momentum going in 2014
By Tom Kiernan

North American Wind Power Fast Facts

enerG Feature Focus: Wind Power Logistics and Transportation

January/February 2014


Putting the brakes on power costs
By Tony Kryzanowski

Going green in a couple of way$
By Vicky Boyd

A different wind project challenge: missiles
By Paul MacDonald

Solar, wind power and snow in New England
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Site selection key to success of any renewable energy project
By Helen Tocco

For The Record: Dealing with the polar vortex: Wind energy helped ward off power outages
By Michael Goggin

November/December 2013


SCHOOL'S in for solar power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Floating solar in Colorado
By Diane Mettler

Night moves on wind project
By Paul MacDonald

Solar power weather education
By Vicky Boyd

For The Record: It's simple and does not require a search, says Google: renewable energy makes sense
By Rick Needham

September/October 2013


Solar panels + storage facilities = a good fit
By Diane Mettler

PV pioneer DuPont powers up with solar
By Paul MacDonald

Shiny silver things in Area 51
By Diane Mettler

Multi-billion dollar wind investment
By Tony Kryzanowski

Wind project clears the bar
By Vicky Boyd

Guest Column: Insurance coverage for solar panel defect litigation
By Scott C. Turner

For The Record: Time to get the ball rolling with offshore wind
By Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley

North American Solar Power Scorecard

enerG Feature Focus: Energy Storage on the Grid in the Future

July/August 2013


VW revs up on renewables
By Tony Kryzanowski

Fleeing the grid for solar power
By Paul MacDonald

NaturEner respects nature with Montana wind project
By Vicky Boyd

Turning of the tide
By Vicky Boyd

Guest Column: Technical training the key to keeping wind turbine blades turning
By Andy Ginger

For The Record: U.S. Department of Energy: On a Clean energy mission
By U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz

The Numbers on U.S. Building Energy Efficiency

May/June 2013


North Carolina hot for solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Solar PV puzzle in Oregon
By Tony Kryzanowski

Serendipity solar power
By Diane Mettler

Low elevation wind project gets the green light
By Paul MacDonald

Philly PV power
By Vicky Boyd

For The Record: Fueling America's economic growth with alternative energy
By President Barack Obama

Guest Column: We owe our veterans a renewable energy way of life
By Nat Kreamer

enerG Focus Feature: Racking Systems

March/April 2013


Shepherding a massivewind project to completion
By Paul MacDonald

Nevada has a wind winner
By Paul MacDonald

California's huge hybrid
By Diane Mettler

Fort Bliss Army base is now Solar Strong
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Cape Wind project needs to move ahead
By Joe Kennedy III

Guest Column: Money and electricity: seeing returns on solar
By Ed Begley, Jr.

NA Wind Energy Fast Facts

enerG Focus Feature: Law Firms

January/February 2013


Solar power on the Salt Palace
Paul MacDonald

VA medical facility helps to heal environment

Northern wind power
by Paul MacDonald

Old school solar
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Renewable energy emerged as important election issue
By Dennis McGinn

For The Record: Wind power including distributed wind power has arrived
By David Sandalow

November/December 2012


Orchard harvests the benefits of rooftop solar
By Vicky Boyd

Reducing the renewable risk
By Diane Mettler

Big Smile project honors wind power pioneer
By Paul MacDonald

PSE develops Washington wind solo
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Washington needs to be bold when it comes to clean technologies policy
By Clyde Prestowitz

September/October 2012


A Bluechip investment in solar power
By Diane Mettler

Generating clean energy and interest in solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Solar picking upsteam in the U.S. South
By Paul MacDonald

Northern wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Canadian wind leader
By Paul MacDonald

Solar/geothermal combination in Nevada
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Government can, and must, play an important role in deploying emerging energy technologies
By John M. Woolard, President and CEO of Brightsource Energy

North American Solar Power Scorecard

enerG Feature Focus: Inverters

January/February 2012


Bringing the benefits of wind power home
Paul MacDonald

New solar power for New Mexico
By Vicky Boyd

Cutting a new trail for wind in Illinois
By Diane Mettler

Fast-tracking solar in Arizona
By Tony Kryzanowski

From the garbage bin to biofuels
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Respecting the hard-working, skilled people who produce our energy
By Mike Rowe

March/April 2012


Kansas wind project packs a punch
Paul MacDonald

Rolling Hills adds whopping amount of wind power
By Diane Mettler

Solar project proves to be MmmMmm Good for Campbell's Soup
By Vicky Boyd

NJ solar project faced severe weather and an earthquake
By Diane Mettler

Ramping up renewable energy storage
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: It's time for the U.S. to develop an energy plan and stick to it
By Lisa Murkowski

Guest Column: Independent reviews of large solar projects can uncover associated hidden risks or confirm confidence in the project
By Marie Schnitzer

NA Wind Energy Fast Facts

enerG Focus Feature: Wind Turbines

May/June 2012


Massive Solar Megawatts
Vicky Boyd

Solar project beats the clock
By Diane Mettler

Solar powered wine production
By Tony Kryzanowski

Taming the wind for Michigan 2
By Vicky Boyd

Ramping up wind power in Ohio
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: It's time to reduce the uncertainty of renewable energy tax credits
By Will Coleman, Mohr Davidow Ventures

enerG Feature Focus: PV Solar Panels

July/August 2012


Solar project delivers benefits on two fronts
By Vicky Boyd

Webberville solar project in Texas means megawatts
By Paul MacDonald

City of industry moves into solar future
By Tony Kryzanowski

BIOMASS power project is a winner all the way
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Keys to success in sourcing federal government solar projects
By Jim Dankowski

For The Record: U.S. needs to play to win in the clean energy race
By Steven Chu, Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy

enerG Feature Focus: Hybrid Vehicles

November/December 2011


California wind project builder takes on all kinds of weather with phase one of Alta Wind
Paul MacDonald

Solar/wind combo project in Arizona
By Tony Kryzanowski

New solar farm delivers power and R&D results
By Diane Mettler

Major WOOD biomass power plants for Texas
By Tony Kryzanowski

Plugging in to the community for wind power
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: Getting past Solyndra: Government support for emerging technologies in clean energy plays a critical role in advancing innovation
By David B. Goldstein

Guest Column: Cultural resources can connect wind project developers with local communities
By Sydne B. Marshall

September/October 2011


BIG solar in Texas
By Vicky Boyd

SunEdison partners with Duke on North Carolina solar project
By Diane Mettler

Spreading solar power news
By Vicky Boyd

Wind power joins solar power in Arizona
By Paul MacDonald

Fuel from Fats
By Paul MacDonald

Topped off with Solar
By Diane Mettler

New life for Old Town
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: U.S. Military can be a trailblazer in renewable energy
By Senator Mark Udall

Guest Column: Pulling together for a renewable energy economy
By Vice Adm. Dennis V. McGinn, USN (retired)

North American Solar Power Scorecard

enerG Focus Feature: Solar Racking Systems

July/August 2011


SEMPRA takes solar power lead with 48 MW Nevada project
By Diane Mettler

Wind power teamwork
By Paul MacDonald

SOLAR POWER system cuts university's carbon footprint and power bill
By Vicky Boyd

Storing wind power in Hawaii
By Paul MacDonald

Guest Column: Tackling the challenges of small and community wind
By Larry Flowers

For The Record: The key to keeping the lights on? A balanced energy approach
Thomas F. Farrell II, Chairman, President &
CEO Dominion

May/June 2011


Tight Solar Schedule
By Vicky Boyd

Big stake in solar power
By Paul MacDonald

Edison Mission Group completes second Nebraska wind project
By Paul MacDonald

Tying renewables into the grid
By Tony Kryzanowski

It takes a team to build a wind farm
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Solar power putting Americans back to work
Rhone Resch, President and CEO, Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)

March/April 2011


Hatchet Ridge Wind: Made in the U.S.A.
By Tony Kryzanowski

Nobles project a 201 MW addition to wind power numbers
By Paul MacDonald

Solar power in Canada's economic heartland
By Vicky Boyd

Walking toward solar power in Florida
By Diane Mettler

North American Wind Energy Fast Facts

Tapping into Oklahoma's abundant wind
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: California's new goal: 20,000 MW of Renewable Energy
Gov. Jerry Brown

January/February 2011


Getting serious about renewable energy
By Vicky Boyd

Turbines on timberlands
By Paul MacDonald

Solar raceway
By Diane Mettler

Wyoming weather challenges wind project
By Paul MacDonald

Syngas success story
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Gulf of Mexico spill is a reminder that U.S. needs todevelop more renewable fuels
Tom Vilsack, U.S. Agriculture Secretary

November/December 2010


Solar power in the U.S. Midwest
By Vicky Boyd

From wind developer to developer/owner
By Paul MacDonald

Storing wind power-in batteries
By Diane Mettler

Run-of-river power project overcomes mountain of challenges
By Tony Kryzanowski

For the Record: Putting Americans back to work with green jobs
Dr. Stephanie A. Burns, Dow Corning Corporation

September/October 2010


Solar for San Jose
By Vicky Boyd

Solar power in windy Chicago
By Diane Mettler

Going micro with solar thermal in Hawaii
By Diane Mettler

Community wind partnerships
By Paul MacDonald

North American Solar Power Scorecard

Turbines now turning on the Texas Coast
By Paul MacDonald

Super-organism helps achieve super biofuel cost savings
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: It's time for a solar power revolution
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders

July/August 2010


California solar leader
By Vicky Boyd

More prairie wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Stimulating geothermal power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Converting beet sugar into biofuel
By Diane Mettler

Guest Column: Offshore wind power conference will cap an active year
By Carl Levesque

For The Record: Long Term tax policies can help keep U.S. #1 in wind power
Victor Abate

May/June 2010


Stimulus-backed solar power
By Diane Mettler

Solar/coal combo
By Diane Mettler

Bud goes for bio-energy
By Tony Kryzanowski

The Numbers on U.S. Solar

Cielo Wind Power: Building "Wind Ranches"
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: U.S. needs to become the Silicon Valley of renewable energy
Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Commerce

March/April 2010


Wind power sweepin' down the plains-in Oklahoma
By Diane Mettler

First Wind goes west with Utah project
By Paul MacDonald

Arizona's solar university
By Vicky Boyd

Branching out into alternative fuels
By Tony Kryzanowski

FIT program spurs solar power in Ontario
By Vicky Boyd

North American Wind Energy Fast Facts

For The Record: U.S. needs wind, solar power-and oil and natural gas
By John S. Watson

January/February 2010


Solar power boost in California
By Paul MacDonald

New top 10 wind farms in Texas
By Paul MacDonald

Solar energy template in Hawaii
By Diane Mettler

Garbage in, energy out
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Making the choice for clean energy jobs
By Hilda L. Solis, U.S. Secretary of Labor

November/December 2009


Wind Power Seeds
By Paul MacDonald

Florida sun powers new PV system
By Vicky Boyd

Big Energy Win With Biomass
By Tony Kryzanowski

From Mining Coal To Turning Turbines
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Well-Managed Forests Offer Enormous Opportunity For Biomass Energy
By Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture

September/October 2009


Ausra's ambitious solar power plans
By Vicky Boyd

A very GREEN greenhouse project
By Diane Mettler

Going big with wind in Biglow
By Paul MacDonald

More Minnesota water power
By Tony Kryzanowski

L.A. goes large with wind power
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: The drive to a word wide green economic recovery
By James E. Rogers

July/August 2009


Life-critical solar
By Diane Mettler

Dominion powering portfolio-with wind
By Paul MacDonald

Raser's edge-in geothermal power
By Tony Kryzanowski

Building a sound foundation for solar success
By Brian Lambert

For The Record: The U.S. must lead the clean energy revolution
By Ken Salazar, U.S. Secretary of the Interior

May/June 2009


Solar U
By Diane Mettler

Going big with Canadian wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Solar times 7
By Vicky Boyd

Clean energy financing is key to U.S. energy independence
By Dick Rai

From biomass to BTUs
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: There's no "Free Lunch" with U.S. energy plan
By John W. Rowe

Guest Column: The Future U.S. Energy Picture?

March/April 2009


More TURBINES for Texas
By Diane Mettler

PacifiCorp powers up with wind projects
By Paul MacDonald

An all-out solar install
By Vicky Boyd

Going green in Arizona
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Bold new vision requires massive scale-up of renewable energy
By Dan W. Reicher

Guest Column: At last-electrical power transmission's day has come
By Carl Levesque American Wind Energy Association

January/February 2009


Solar Power Leader
By Vicky Boyd

A happy wind project for Duke
By Paul MacDonald

Bio-energy team
By Diane Metler

Driving ethanol costs down
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Making a greater commitment to renewable energy sources
Steven Chu

Guest Column: A well-defined Brand is a major asset in the alternative energy industry
By Carmen Swartz


November/December 2008


Smoky Hills wind project sees lots of big-time weather
By Paul MacDonald

Myth busters-and Solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Gas'er up
By Tony Kryzanowski

Fast mover in alternative energy
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: It's time to control our energy destiny-with renewable energy
President-Elect Barack Obama

Go Back To Issue Listing

September/October 2008


Floating solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Going PV in Pennsylvania
By Diane Mettler

Joining forces in wind power
By Paul MacDonald

Algae gets attention
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: Moving beyond RPS mandates to turbocharge renewable power
Peter A. Darbee, chairman, CEO and president of PG&E Corporation

Branding delivers an advantage in a crowded alternative energy sector
Carmen Swartz, Principal and brand strategist at ELEMENTS

Go Back To Issue Listing

July/August 2008


A new twist for solar power
By Vicky Boyd

Fuel cells + wastewater biogas = green heaven
By Diane Mettler

Ramping up cellulosic ethanol
By Tony Kryzanowski

A Champion-sized wind farm project
By Paul MacDonald


Go Back To Issue Listing

May/June 2008


New England's new wind farm
By Paul MacDonald

Riding the Wind
By Diane Mettler

Following the Sun
By Vicky Boyd

Generating watts from wood waste
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: No "silver bullet" to solving energy problems, but renewable energy is an indispensable part of the solution
Samuel Bodman, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy

  Go Back To Issue Listing

March/April 2008


Texas is tops in Wind Power
By Paul MacDonald

Alcoa flips the switch-on solar
By Tony Kryzanowski

Colorado gets behind wind power
By Paul MacDonald

BIODIESEL business model
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: It's time to unleash clean energy innovation
U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton

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January/February 2008


Grassroots Approach to Wind Energy
By Paul MacDonald

More geothermal power from The Geysers
By Tony Kryzanowski

Catching the wave
By Diane Mettler

United Natural Foods goes natural-with solar power
By Vicky Boyd

For The Record: Can Technology Transform the Climate Change Debate?
Eileen Claussen

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November/December 2007


Biodiesel goes big
By Diane Mettler

New wind-powered life for steel plant site
By Paul MacDonald

From brown liability to bright asset
By Vicky Boyd

Wood chip power
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: U.S. energy dependence perpetuated
U.S. Senator Dick Lugar

  Go Back to Issue Listing

September/October 2007


Going Big with wind in Minnesota
By Paul MacDonald

Tiffany& Co. Sparkling in Solar
By Vicky Boyd

Energy From Waste
By Diane Mettler

A River runs through it
By Tony Kryzanowski

Guest Column: Energy solutions for a cleaner world
By Kate Brass

For The Record: Weaning ourselves off our oil addiction 
Governor Bill Richardson

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July/August 2007

Raising Arizona's renewable power
By Tony Kryzanowski

An ideal wind site - in Illinois
By Paul MacDonald

Google goes solar
By Diane Mettler

Tribal Turbines
By Vicky Boyd

For The Record: A declaration of (energy) independence
U.S. Senator John McCain

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May/June 2007

Special Challenges for Hawaii Wind Farm
By Paul MacDonald

Postal Service Delivers with Solar Savings
By Vicky Boyd

Interest in Geothermal Heats Up
By Tony Kryzanowski

Riding the Alternative Energy Wave
By Diane Mettler

Going Solar in New Orleans
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: Time to Take Action on Scaling Up Wind Energy
By Vivienne Cox

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March/April 2007

Going Coastal
By Paul MacDonald

Wal-Mart Moves to Solar and Wind Power
By Vicky Boyd

25 Percent Renewable by 2025
By Diane Mettler

From Bark to Bio-Oil
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: Alternative Energy Solutions to Address Global Warming
By former US Vice President Al Gore

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January/February 2007

Putting Energy Into Ethanol Production
By Paul MacDonald

Alternative Energy Bonus
By Vicky Boyd

Small Company, Big On Solar Ideas
By Diane Mettler

Power From Manure
By Tony Kryzanowski

For The Record: US Energy Independence Lies in Partnering with Business on Alternative Fuels
By US Senator Barack Obama

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November/December 2006

Major Wind Player
By Paul MacDonald

An Interesting Power Twist
By Tony Kryzanowski

Tidal Power in the Big Apple
By Vicky Boyd

Reclycling Heat Energy Into Electricity
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Time For a Great Leap forward Towards Energy Independence
By Martin C. Jischke

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September/October 2006

Opting for Wind Farm Ownership
By Diane Mettler

Seeing the Light In Solar
By Vicky Boyd

Going Geothermal
By Tony Kryzanowski

Changing the Energy World
By Paul MacDonald

For The Record: UK Prime Minister Tony Blair on a Framework to Tackle Climate Change

Guest Column: New Alternative Energy Initiatives
By Samuel W. Bodman, US Energy Secretary

  Go Back to Issue Listing

July/August 2006 (Premiere Issue)

Going Beyond Petroleum
By Paul MacDonald

New Energy Role for King Coal
By Tony Kryzanowski

California Powers Up - With Solar
By Vicky Boyd

Ambitious Biomass Timelines
By Diane Mettler

For The Record: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Solar Power

Guest Column: Renewable Energy
By Piotr Tulej

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