Wind power joins
solar power in Arizona
State of Arizona is a major player in renewable energy—with
an understandable focus on solar power—but Arizona now has
first commercial wind power project,Iberdrola's 128 MW Dry Lake project.
Paul MacDonald
The State of Arizona is top of mind when it comes to selecting
locations for renewable energy facilities—but that usually
means solar power, rather than wind power.
But Iberdrola Renewables recently
completed the first wind power
project in the Grand Canyon state, the 128 MW, multi-phase Dry Lake
What made the economics of a
relatively low wind resource project work
in Arizona was a combination of an uncomplicated wind power
construction project, along with attractive power rates from one of the
state's largest utilities, SRP. SRP is purchasing all of the wind power
from both phases of the Dry Lake project.
Dry Lake has been a work in progress
for a while.
"In the early 2000s, we were looking
at opportunities in Arizona though
we understood, historically, it had not been known as a windy place,"
said Jesse Gronner, project developer for Iberdrola Renewables. "But we
still thought it was something that we could make work.
"We had been prospecting for good wind
sites, and we did have a few
prospects in different parts of the state," he explained. "We came to
the conclusion that others had—that there is not an extremely
robust wind resource in Arizona, but there are some areas where there
is a developable wind resource."
Iberdrola Renewables completed the
first phase of the state's first
commercial scale wind project—Dry Land Wind
Power—in September 2009, and it was followed shortly after
with phase two. The first phase employed 30 Suzlon S88 2.1 MW turbines,
while phase two, which was completed earlier this year, has 31 of the
same Suzlon turbines, for a combined nameplate capacity of 65 MW.
Phase two is about three miles east of
phase one, and there could be
more to come in the future. Full development of the site could result
in a total of 239 turbines at Dry Lake, according to the federal Bureau
of Land Management.
The first phase of Dry Lake was built
on a mix of federal, state, and
private lands. The project required the approval of the Bureau of Land
Management and the Arizona State Trust Lands.
Authorization of the project followed
a year-long review that included
numerous environmental studies and much inter-agency coordination. For
Iberdrola, the initial work, planning, and construction for the project
took about five years. Perhaps more so than wind-rich projects, they
had to make doubly-sure the numbers would work on Dry Lake.
"The wind resource is quite a bit less
than what is typically
determined as a needed capacity factor to make a wind project work,"
says Gronner. "It was among the lowest resources in our portfolio of
development assets, but power prices in the area were very strong, and
we thought it was something that we could put together and make it
Exactly how do you counter a low wind
resource on a project? Good power
prices can go a long way, says Gronner.
"But you need certain other things,"
he added. "One is relatively low
construction costs—you want to have a site that is
topographically simple so it will be generally easy to build a wind
power project. And you want to be able to minimize the transmission and
interconnection costs." They were able to utilize generally
smaller—69 kV—voltage lines, which offered lower
interconnect costs than large transmission lines.
"So if it's a question of working with
a lower wind resource, you have
to have lower overall costs, you need to have a higher Power Purchase
Agreement, and generally it helps to have a standard that lays out that
you are competing with power from within the state, and not necessarily
from higher resources in other states. Arizona was definitely looking
for projects within the state."
The 6,000-acre Dry Lake project site
is in the White Mountains area,
which runs along the Arizona/New Mexico border. It is the second
highest mountain range in the state, and the area is dotted with
mountain lakes and streams.
The first phase of Iberdrola
Renewables' Dry Lake project employed 30 Suzlon S88 2.1 MW turbines,
while phase two, which was completed earlier this year, has 31 of the
same Suzlon turbines, for a combined nameplate capacity of 65 MW.
The region where the wind power project is located is fairly flat but
with some knolls and rolling hills, and there is a fair bit of
vegetation. The area is lightly populated, at least by people. "There
are a lot of cattle, though," says John Sherman, Dry Lake's plant
manager. "It's a big cattle grazing area. It's wide open
here—and it's been a particularly good year for wind here."
As Gronner puts it, the wind power project was welcomed with open arms
by Navajo County, where it is located. "We're a large investment, and
we brought a nice tax base and jobs to the county. They were supportive
of the project from day one."
Ownership of the land for phase one is checkerboard, with every other
section of land owned by a different party, either private, state, or
BLM land.
At the time of development of phase one, the Arizona State Land
Department was focused on opening up high value land for residential
development around the Phoenix area versus low value land, such as the
location for the Dry Land wind project.
"It took a bit of time to get the state's attention because we're
talking about land that is leased for grazing, so it's not big revenue.
But the state does have a policy of supporting renewable energy.
"We brought them up to speed on the wind project, what we wanted to do,
that the actual footprint of the project is small, and the revenue that
could be generated, and they had a very favorable response."
On the federal lands side, they went through the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) review process. "That ended up being the gating item
on the schedule in getting phase one done from a permitting standpoint.
But we were able to get through the NEPA process very quickly. We have
a great BLM field office in Stafford, Arizona, that gave us a lot of
support and attention." In fact, Gronner said, the Dry Land project was
the first wind project built after the BLM came out with its
programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.
On the private land side, there was only one landowner, Rocking Chair
Ranch, headed by Bill Elkins. It was actually Elkins who started work
towards getting a wind farm. He purchased several met towers to prove
there was sufficient wind. "Bill had a vision for a wind project for
this land from day one," says Gronner.
Gronner said that the planning for the project was a bit more complex
due to the multiple ownership of the land, private and public.
"Our preference would have been to keep it all on private land because
that would have been the most expedited way to do the project. But
because of the nature of the land holdings in the area, we knew we
would need to involve at least the state, and also the BLM, because we
needed a fair bit of land.
"With it being a lower wind resource, we really needed to spread out
the project, so the turbine spacing is greater than we would normally
do with our wind projects. We wanted to minimize the amount of
interference, turbine to turbine, so we opened up the array and that
involves a larger area. If we had a more robust wind resource, we might
have been able to pack in the turbines tighter."
The turbines at Dry Lake are from 1,000 to 1,400 feet apart, which is
anywhere from 1.5 to 2 times the spacing that Iberdrola would normally
In terms of construction, Gronner said the project was fairly
straightforward. "It was a very constructable, logistically
unchallenged site," he said.
There was a good transportation link, with the site being just off
I-40. There is also a local rail link and a good supply of construction
commodities and material they needed. "Going in to the project, our
construction guys were very pleased with the constructabililty aspect
and the availability of resources to get the project built," says
Gronner. The site is about 200 miles east of Phoenix, and the nearest
major center, Snowflake, is only about seven miles away.
Phase two already had an access road built by utility APS that went
into an APS substation. "They had built the substation a year before,
and it's a 30 to 40 foot wide road coming in off the main highway. We
were able to get an easement to utilize that, and it provided good,
strong access to our phase two area."
Phase one also had a good access road—they were able to use a
road that had been put in to service a hog farm. There is a single lane
access road between the two sites.
There were no major construction challenges, nor did they expect any,
says Gronner. Everything had to run smoothly with this project, with a
very tight and workable budget a must, due to the low wind resource of
the project.
They carried over employing Suzlon turbines into phase two, for
operational efficiencies. "It makes sense to have the same turbines,"
says Gronner. "We've been happy with them."
"They've been reliable, we get a very high availability with the Suzlon
turbines," says plant manager, John Sherman.
They deal with a warm, dry climate in this area of Arizona, which does
not pose any challenges from an operations and maintenance perspective,
says Sherman. "It's pretty much business as usual. In the summer of
2010, we hit 101 degrees, but usually temperatures in the summer are in
the upper 80s or low 90s. But it's very dry."
It's been a very dry year in Arizona, period. The state had its largest
forest fire, ever, this past summer. The Wallow Fire, fueled by
extremely dry conditions and helped by strong winds, had burned an
estimated 538,000 acres of forest in the White Mountains of eastern
Arizona by June. The closest it got to the Dry Lake site was 70 miles
"Generally, we don't have any huge problems maintaining turbines due to
weather," says Sherman. "We did get a lot of severe lightning last
year, and that's a hazard around turbines. But the lightning arrestor
system worked well and protected all the components."
While Iberdrola planned for Dry Lake to be multi-phase, there was
really no carry over from one phase to the other.
"The phasing concept is different for different situations, but our
approach on Dry Lake was to have two different phases, east and west,
because there were two different transmission lines that we were
connecting to," says Gronner.
"We ended up doing the west phase first because that involved land from
the Rocking Chair Ranch where they had been collecting wind data for
some time. We also negotiated and executed the Power Purchase Agreement
based on phase one first, because that was the business appetite of our
customer at the time."
Though there was a time gap of about 18 months between the two phases,
they ended up using many of the construction contractors from phase
one, for phase two. Blattner Energy was the major civil contractor on
both phases.
Dry Lake, with its low wind resources, could be a business model for
the wind industry in the future. In much of the U.S., the industry has
already developed the easy, wind-rich sites, the so-called "low hanging
"Dry Lake is a little bit of a different animal, wind project-wise,"
says Gronner. "I don't think Dry Lake necessarily would normally jump
out as a place to have a two-phase wind project. It is a little bit out
of the norm, but it was a good match in terms of timing, general market
conditions, and supply and demand."
Gronner agrees that many of the best wind sites in the U.S. have
already been developed. "Increasingly, you are going to find that you
have two types of wind project sites: lower wind areas that are closer
to the end users, and then the farther away, more robust wind areas
that are going to require some amount of transmission to get the power
to where it needs to be, the major centers."
Iberdrola Renewables is interested in developing all types of projects.
The company has wind projects from the Pacific Northwest to California,
the Midwest, and the eastern U.S.
"We're looking at projects in parts of the country that aren't
necessarily in traditionally windy places—and I think that
speaks to the company's and its employees' ability to tackle different
challenges. Part of that, too, is how the wind turbine technology has
"It's a mix of experience and the ability to search for different
opportunities, but it's also a better ability to predict the wind and
better wind turbines. As the equipment and technology continue to
evolve, future wind sites will also continue to evolve," concluded
